
MS Excel Course Outline – Master level

Topics Covered

Financial Functions

Financial Functions PMT
Financial Functions FV

Lookup Functions

Combining MATCH with INDEX
Combining LOOKUP with MATCH
Lookup Functions with Named Ranges

Logical functions


Conditional Formatting

Creating Rules
Creating Rules Using Formulas

PivotTables & Pivot Charts

Working with Pivot Tables
Rearranging Pivot Tables
Formatting Pivot Tables
Pivot Charts
Using GETPIVOTDATA with Pivot Tables

Documenting and Auditing

Auditing Features Formula Errors
Auditing Features Evaluate Formulas
Using the Watch Window
Comments in Cells and Workbooks
Validating Cell Entries
Workbook Collaboration

Custom Sorts

Sort a List by Value
Sort a List by Colour
Advanced Features
Converting Text to Columns


Explaining Macros
Macros Security Levels
Recording a Macro
Running a Macro
Assigning Macros to the QAT

Analytical Options

Goal Seek
The Analysis Toolpak

Data Tables

One Input Variable
Two Input Variable

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