
MS PowerPoint Outline – Advanced level

Topics Covered

Slide Masters

Slide master view
Inserting slide master
Modifying slide master
Hand out masters
Note master
Adding a watermark

Hyperlinks and Action buttons

Creating hyperlinks
Adding action buttons

Merging presentations

Merging slide presentations
Comparing presentations
Saving Slides as images
Inserting screenshots
Transferring to MS Word
Creating presentations from MS Word


Inserting tables
Modifying tables
Formatting tables


Slide show transition effects
Slide show animation effects
Speaker notes
Slide show tips

Photo Albums

Creating photo albums
Formatting photo albums

Sharing Presentations

Sharing a presentation
Real time co-editing
Conflict resolution
Version History
Viewing editing properties
Document inspector
Presentation encryption
Digital signatures
Converting presentations
Packaging presentations
Printing handouts
Compatibility checker

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