health and safety

Health & Safety

Health & Safety - 21 Courses

Building Healthy Boundaries

building healthy boundaries
Healthy boundaries are important to our physical and emotional health. So, setting healthy boundaries can help prevent you from doing things that you don’t enjoy and feeling used or exhausted. You can learn ways to take charge of your life. Whether you want to set clearer rules with your family or assert your space when it comes to strangers.

Business Continuity

Business Continuity
Even the most established organisations can be caught off guard when faced with something unexpected. Business continuity planning aims to allow organisations to respond quickly to events which could pose a risk to their daily operations. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to understand the need to have plans in place for health & safety emergencies and/or disruptive events, identify the key components required to prepare for business disruptions, demonstrate the importance of auditing and testing emergency arrangements and understand the benefits of sharing best practice and lessons learned.

COSHH - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

There are thousands of accidents every year involving hazardous substances. Hazardous substances can threaten short- or long-term health. This course is designed to raise awareness of the key points in the safe handling and use of hazardous substances that could harm you or those around you. By the end of this course, learners will be able to recognise what is classed as a hazardous substance, identify who is affected by COSHH regulation, take the steps to prevent or minimise exposure to hazardous substances and explain the need for, and importance of, safety data sheets, product labels, and hazard warning symbols.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and Workstation Safety - NEW

display screen equipment and workstation safety
Working with a poor workstation setup can lead to fatigue and soreness of the fingers, hands, wrists shoulders and neck, and in more severe cases, can lead to injuries in these areas. We call these 'musculoskeletal injuries' or ‘MSDs’. When we are thinking about desk set up and how we work, we also need to consider the stress we are under. Stress is a major cause of occupational ill health. This activity will enable you to assess your own workstation, to make sure it's as well arranged and as safe as it can be!

Driving Safety

driving safety
Many workers are now required to drive as part of their job.  Often, people don’t take any further driving courses once their test has been passed, so it’s important that all workers are aware of the risks and hazards involved when driving for work. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to recognise how workers should prepare themselves for a journey, demonstrate how to prepare the car before travelling, recognise any potential hazards drivers could face journey inside the car, whilst travelling, list the correct steps that need to be taken during breakdowns and emergencies and describe any hazards or threats outside of the car when travelling.

Electrical Safety

We all take it for granted that when we switch on a plug socket, our appliance will work. That’s because of electricity, but what is it? We will answer this question and consider the ways in which electricity poses a threat in the workplace and how we can reduce the risk of this hazard actually causing harm. This course explores the laws in place to protect you at work and consider the employer’s and employee’s duties to ensure everyone is safe from the dangers of electricity. Learning Outcomes: What is electricity? Consider the ways in which electricity poses a threat in the workplace; How can we reduce the risk of this hazard actually causing harm; The laws in place to protect you at work; Consider the employer’s and employee’s duties to ensure everyone is safe from the dangers of electricity.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety
In the event of a fire, would you know the correct procedure to follow? This fire safety training course provides guidance on how fires start, how to prevent them and what to do in the event of an emergency. By the end of this course, you will be able to explain how a fire starts by referring to the fire triangle and how you can minimise the sources of fire, identify when to use different types of fire-fighting equipment, demonstrate knowledge of an effective evacuation procedure, define your role in an emergency and describe the key steps of a fire risk assessment.

First Aid at Work

First Aid at Work
Why bother with first aid at work? Well, our First Aid course explains why! We explore the Law, who can become a first aider, and the primary objectives of First Aid. This course considers how many first aiders your organisation needs and will help you to consider the risks which could cause harm. Learning Outcomes: Who can become a first aider; The primary objectives of First Aid; How many first aiders does your organisation need. Consider the risks which could cause harm.

Health & Safety Introduction

Health and Safety Introduction
Health and Safety is aimed at preventing mental or physical harm to all employees, and both employer and employees have responsibilities for Health and Safety in the workplace. When you begin a job in a new organisation, it is essential that you know the Health and Safety requirements relevant to your role to protect yourself and others from injury and harm while at work. This course aims to refresh your knowledge of important Health and Safety legislation, the hazards you may encounter in your workplace and the methods for maintaining your safety at work.

Health & Safety for Home Workers - Employees

health and safety for home workers
Homeworking comes with its own set of potential health and safety challenges. This course is designed to raise awareness of the risks and hazards that are prevalent within the home based workforce and identify arrangements that should be made to ensure homeworkers are able to work in a safe, healthy, and productive environment. By the end of this course, learners will be able to recognise the risks and hazards that are associated with working at home, use best practice to mitigate or remove the risks and hazards of homeworking and ask for support when dealing with the risks and hazards of homeworking.

Manual Handling

Manual Handling
Manual handling is an everyday occurrence for most of us, both in the workplace and at home but it is one of the major causes of workplace accidents. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to explain what manual handling is, talk about effective techniques to lift and handle loads safely and explain the importance of assessing and reducing manual handling risks.

Moving or Falling Objects

Moving or Falling Objects
The pathway starts by identifying hazards. It goes on to examine how you can reduce risk and keep safe by implementing appropriate safety measures. By the end of this course, you should be able to understand and recognise the risks of Moving and Falling Objects, develop an awareness of the risks within their own workplace environment and actively demonstrate good practice in keeping a workplace safe.

Office Safety Introduction

office safety introduction
This module covers which hazardous risks effect office workers in their day to day working activities.By the end of this course, you will be able to understand general fire safety regulations, use effective manual handling techniques, recognise the importance of computer safety, assess, avoid and reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls, recognise the importance of electrical awareness and understand general office safety practices.

Office Safety Refresher

office safety refresher
Most people find it difficult to think of their office as a potentially harmful working environment. The office has many hazards that have the potential to cause people harm, from aches and pains caused by poorly-designed computer workstations, stress caused by excessive work pressures and slips, trips and falls as a result of poor housekeeping. With that in mind, this course aims to show you how you can play your part in keeping the office a safe and healthy place to work. It covers Display Screen Equipment, Fire Safety, Manual Handling, Slips, Trips and Falls and Electrical Awareness

Respiratory Illness and Pandemic Awareness

Respiratory Illness and Pandemic Awareness
Respiratory disease covers a variety of conditions, including common conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, infections such as pneumonia and flu. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to identify the different symptoms associated with respiratory illness, apply appropriate controls during a pandemic and list ways of preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses.

Risk Assessments - NEW

risk assessment
All workplaces are likely to have hazards and risk that could present dangers to workers.Many people suffer ill effects or accidental injury from hazards while at work. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to explain what risk assessments are and why they are important, identify ways of conducting a risk assessment, list who might be harmed in and around the workplace and list different ways of protecting people from real harm.

Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips and Trips
Slips, trips, and falls are one of the most common causes of major injuries at work across all workplaces. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to describe what is meant be slips, trips, and falls, list the common types of injuries associated with slips, trips, and falls, identify the common causes of slips, trips, and falls and explain the different ways of preventing slips, trips, and falls.

Stress Awareness

Stress Awareness
Feeling stressed and being under pressure is a normal part of work life. But becoming overwhelmed by stress at work can lead to physical and mental health problems or make existing problems worse. By the end of this course, learners will be able to describe what is meant by work-related stress, recognise the signs and symptoms of work-related stress, identify the risk factors of work-related stress and demonstrate an awareness of how to manage work-related stress.

Vehicles In and Around the Warehouse

Vehicles In and Around the Warehouse
Vehicles at work are a major cause of warehouse injury and fatality, with over 5000 transport accidents reported each year. In this module, we’ll look at the importance of driver safety, how to prevent vehicle related incidents and how to manage the risks. Furthermore, we’ll look at the legal requirements in relation to vehicles in the warehouse and what employers and employees must do to comply.

Violence & Aggression - NEW

violence and aggression
Any workplace can experience incidents of violence and aggression which is why it’s important to be prepared to help prevent, control and manage the risks. This course will help to identify the common causes of violence and aggression as well as what your organisation can do to reduce the risks and provide support for victims of violence and aggression.

Work at Height

Work at Height
Work at height is one of the main causes of injury and fatality in the workplace, and failure to take adequate precautions can present significant risk to an individual’s health and safety. This module explores work at height, associated risks, legal requirements and the steps both employers and employees can take to ensure safe working practices.

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