safeguarding 2


Safeguarding - 2 Courses

Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding Children
All organisations who work with or come into contact with children must have a safeguarding policy and procedures in place and all employees and volunteers must receive safeguarding training. This course is designed to help recognise potential indicators of abuse, harm, and neglect by following a series of videos that tell a story.  By the end of this course, you should be able to identify the potential signs of child abuse and the vulnerabilities associated with children, describe the different types of abuse, explain the risks associated with the internet and social media and how parental/carer/ family facts and risks outside the home can impact the wellbeing of children. Lastly you’ll be able to list the rights of a child within a safeguarding or child protection context and the different steps that need to be taken if you have a concern.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Safeguarding is the actions taken to promote the welfare of vulnerable adults and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. It’s about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop abuse and neglect. This course is for those looking to gain an understanding of what it means to safeguard vulnerable adults. After completing all the activities in this course, you should be able to define who an adult with care and support needs is, recognise potential indicators of abuse, harm, and neglect, explain what action to take if you’ve concerns and identify who you should report your concerns to including who to seek advice from

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