presenting image

Mix and matching the Bite Size way

Posted in News

Now here’s a thing,

Vanessa was asked to do a presentation to the team. Although she knows her subject well and can use PowerPoint to a basic level, she was struggling with how to not only present the information but also herself.  Standing up in front of her boss and colleagues was a daunting thought.

First of all Vanessa needs to upskill in the PowerPoint courses and view the Learning Tips for presentations to give her ideas on how to work with PowerPoint in a creative way.

Then she needs to understand that body language forms an essential part of communication, with the interpretation of her non-verbal signals being as important as understanding what’s she is saying.

Vanessa also needs to know how to make the most of presenting her data. She needs to be guided through the different stages of her presentation from preparation and planning through to delivery. Vanessa now needs to learn how to present raw data and use it to persuade or inform her audience.

She also needs to understand the importance of personal appearance and how it can inspire a sense of confidence in her.

Investing time in upskilling Vanessa was now prepared.  Armed with these skills, it would be a breeze.

With Bite Size you too can mix and match lots of different courses from our Microsoft Office and Personal Development libraries and present it to your staff as part of their own development, such as:

  • MS Excel with Finance for non-Finance Managers and Understanding Budgets and Finance.
  • MS Word with Effective Writing and Planning the Report.
  • MS Outlook with Email Etiquette, Spelling & Punctuation and The English Sentence.
  • MS Project with Project Management.

All you need is a flair for creative thinking when putting training plans together for a specific business need.


For company-wide multiple licences, give us a call.  We have some great company discount packages available.

For individual licences, you can go to our online shop for immediate access.


Bite Size is a Training Organisation specialising in Microsoft Office training and committed to delivering a blended learning approach in today’s busy and diverse workplace.   Our solutions cover an Online Digital Library, Face-to-Face Workshops and Virtual Classrooms, all tailored to the individual needs of your organisation.   We are committed to growth, and always looking for new flexible solutions for our customers.  That’s why we now deliver Personal Development and Microsoft Office course together via our online learning library using the same micro-learning / bite size methodology.


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